I Trust in GOD’s unfailing Love


I Trust in GOD’s unfailing Love. - Psalm 52:8

Many believe in the existence of GOD. However, many, including those professing to be Christians, don’t believe in HIM or place their trust in HIM.

Let’s say you believe and know of a man known for controlling most of the world’s wealth. You may have read about this person and heard others talk about him. Therefore, you may know much about him and what he’s done or is planning to do. But, if you were told to trust him for a need you have or to intervene on your behalf regarding a financial issue in your life, you may consider him capable. Still, you would be hard-pressed to believe that he would be willing to assist you, especially since you know very little about him on a personal level. 

However, as sad as it is to acknowledge, many would find it easier to believe in this man’s capability than in what GOD can do for them or their lives.

When you believe in someone, you have confidence in them and their capabilities. You trust them, at least to some degree, and you expect them to act and do according to what you believe about them.

The ALMIGHTY has taken extraordinary measures, including having to watch the death of many of HIS people, to ensure that humans have a written account of HIS history with humankind. Within that account, HE has shared in great detail what HE’s capable of, how HE feels about human beings, and what they mean to HIM. HE’s shared the promises HE’s given to those who belong to HIM or are part of HIS household as HIS children. HE’s made clear what HE expects from them, what they can expect from HIM, and what they have to look forward to in this age and the next. But, many, if not most, treat this knowledge as no more than nice stories.

But those who believe experience and see life in a way that’s peculiar to most. They believe and trust in what the ALMIGHTY has preserved for us in writing, i.e., the Holy Bible, and stake their lives on its reliability. They are those who trust that GOD says what HE means and means what HE says; those who have confidence that what HE has done for others HE is capable of doing for them because HE has not changed. They are convinced that there is nothing good HE cannot do, and they make decisions based on their belief that HE is a good FATHER and will take good care of them; those are the people who genuinely believe in HIM and see HIM part the waters and move the mountains in their lives repeatedly.

Regrettably, those who do not put themselves in a position to experience HIS power and promises will never experience what it’s like to truly know GOD. 

Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:9-10

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans - Psalm 118:8


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