Imagine that you designed a device never created before. No one else in the world knows how you did it. Those who use the device as you intended can reap the full benefits of your creation.
But, for whatever reason, many endeavor to use it in ways it was not made for, causing the device to malfunction and require many repairs. They take it to others for repairs, but you alone can restore it to its original function. Very few want to take advantage of your expertise or the fact that you are the original designer.
How would that affect you?
Some might say that it wouldn’t matter; once it belonged to the consumer, they could do what they wanted, and it wouldn’t matter. However, I find it hard to believe that the above scenario would not negatively affect someone who accomplished something great.
Our ALMIGHTY Creator has made it clear that it affects HIM. HE created Human Beings in a way that no one can duplicate, although they continue to try. But what I find most important is why it affects the Creator.
Just like the device's designer, only the Creator knows how each human can live a thriving, healthy, and purposeful life regardless of one's circumstances.
Most of us go to extremes to be “Happy” without knowing what true happiness or joy is. We want to be “Free” without knowing what Freedom is. We want power and control over our lives without knowing what real power is. And yet, we insist on not taking advantage of the one who can give us all of the above and show us great and mighty things we do not know and will never know unless we seek HIM through The Way HE has provided. John 14:6