Special Kind of Beautiful


The Daughters of GOD are a Special kind of Beautiful.
In GOD’s Spirit, We Soar.


In Western culture, perhaps all over the world, most women measure their worth by their outward features or appearance.

 The media has played a significant role in shaping our perception of beauty, often promoting a narrow and unrealistic standard that many women feel pressured to meet.

 Regrettably, women who meet these perceptions have a terrible time when they reach that stage in life when physical beauty begins to fade, for just as a flower's beauty wilts away, outward beauty will eventually fade. One young woman made the sad statement that she would rather die than live old enough to experience such a transition.

However, regardless of one’s outward appearance, women who are truly adopted by the ALMIGHTY through Christ are taught by GOD what true beauty is. Our FATHER prepares us for what the Bible refers to as the “evil days” when beauty will fade or diminish, along with many other parts of the body.

GOD’s daughters who live to love, know, and please their Heavenly FATHER are raised, taught, and trained by HIM to develop from the inside out.

 Another disadvantage faced by many women born with what is considered outward beauty is insecurity. But in God, we learn to be secure in HIM. We grow in wisdom and understand that we are not our bodies and that we had nothing to do with the physical attributes we are born with but are active participants in the development of beauty within. We learn that what the world thinks we should be or look like does not matter, for we seek first the Kingdom of our FATHER and HIS righteousness.

 The daughters of GOD have HIS Spirit abiding in them, and anyone with a spiritual eye can see, recognize, and appreciate how beautiful we are.

 Oh, how glorious it will be when that inner beauty is clothed with immortality.

 "For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality." 1Cor 15:53

 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty disappears, but a woman who honors the LORD should be praised.” Proverbs 31:30

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